I will help you turn your expertise into scalable online Courses

Ready To Start Your Info Product?

Get In Touch With ME Today!

Online Education Is The Future

It enables professionals to amplify their influence and earnings by imparting their knowledge to thousands of learners worldwide. This model benefits everyone involved.

However, developing and expanding an online educational platform independently can be intricate and demanding. That's where our expertise is invaluable.

With the collab between Coet and Albimedia, I have mastered the nuances of online courses through comprehensive training and graduation from advanced programs at Coet, a foremost authority in the field. This deep understanding equips us to guide you at each stage of your journey.

From conceptualization and content creation, to launch, followed by continuous business administration and growth strategies.

I will collaborate closely with YOU at every phase.

Book at call and let's start a conversation...

I am not just a Marketing specialist. I am will be your 360 partner.

I will work hand-in-hand with YOU throughout the entire process.

Formulating The Vision

Everything begins with a vision - one that we'll collaboratively transform into a robust course. I'll guide you through our established processes and systems, guaranteeing that the foundation of your educational content is impeccable. This encompasses crafting your curriculum and defining a compelling value proposition.

Producing Your Course

With a strong foundation in place, the next step is construction. We will collaborate to develop the content for each module of your course, and I will assist you in navigating the process of recording your course lessons.

Launch, Scale & Manage.

As your course prepares to make its mark on the world, I will remain steadfastly by your side for every phase of implementing your future strategy. Our assistance will extend to devising a robust launch plan, managing your community, and, naturally, ensuring the ongoing expansion of your business.

Simple, but yet Sophisticated processes

Using the best streamlined designed processes, together WE can go from scratch to launching a finished course in just 8 weeks.
However, I know that every case is unique - therefore I will tailor the timeline and workload to fit with your schedule.

Results Echo More Than Words

You're in good company

I was skeptical about completing our project in 8 weeks, but the outcome was astonishing. Our course not only launched on time but also received fantastic feedback. If you are in doubts about his service, get on a strategy call before anything.

- Janice Cruz

From the first Strategy call, I knew I was speaking to the right person. I never imagined we could achieve so much in such a short time. The course launch exceeded all my expectations, and the credit goes to these incredible processes. The results truly spoke louder than words!

- Sophia Chesterfield


Need answers to Questions?

What Do You Guys Do?

At Albi Media, we specialize in transforming your expertise into successful online courses. Our services encompass everything from course design and content creation to marketing and scaling. We guide you through each step, ensuring your course not only launches but thrives in the digital marketplace. You did be working with Me (Fola) at Albi Media to bring your vision and turn them into a scalable online business.

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Do You Work With Every Niche?

While we have extensive experience working with entrepreneurs, educators, craftsmen etc, my services are adaptable to a wide range of professionals and industries. My goal is to help anyone with valuable knowledge to share it effectively through online courses, regardless of their background.

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How Much Does It Cost?

Pricing is tailored to the specific needs and scale of your project. However we offer various packages that cater to different stages of course development and marketing.

  1. Foundational To Launch Plan

    • Vision and Foundations

    • Material Preparation

    • Course Production

    • Backend Structure

    • Sales and Marketing

      Cost - $1,500/M + % Revenue Split/M

  2. Scaling Plan

  • Sales and Marketing

  • Backend and Admin Setup

Cost - $1,000/M + % Revenue Split/M

  1. Consulting Service (One time Fee)

    To get an accurate quote, please contact me for a consultation where we can understand your needs and provide a detailed estimate.

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Are These Exclusive Leads?

Yes, when we work on your course marketing, we focus on generating exclusive leads tailored for your content. We use targeted strategies to attract a dedicated audience that is genuinely interested in your course, ensuring quality engagement and potential conversions.

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How Do You GUARANTEE Results?

Albi Media and Coet guarantee of results is based on our proven track record and refined strategies. While we can't promise specific outcomes, we're committed to applying best practices, ongoing analysis, and optimization to give your course the best chance of success. We pride ourselves on our dedication to client satisfaction and measurable progress.

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We're friendly. Let's see if there's synergy.

We'd love to hop on a free strategy call with you, to discuss potential and answer any questions you may have.

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